Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog #7

The Beguiling Truth About Beauty

Question: In paragraph 5, Flora says, "Our brains have a built-in hot-or-not meter that never stops gathering data. "Is this statement true for you? 

Answer: I somewhat believe this is true. Our minds are always functioning and receiving new information and continuing to learn all the time. However, I don't really have a firm belief that our minds have a built- in hot-or-not meter. That just seems a little far fetched for my understanding about the mind. Our minds are capable of a lot of outstanding things that we sometimes don't even understand. And that's the beauty of the human mind, and I believe that we won't comprehend our full potential of our own minds. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

#6 Comparison-Contrast

Before my reading of this essay I didn't know what to think. The title didn't really say anything that gave me an idea of what this piece of writing was going to be about. The beginning sentence was The cultural differences between Hispanic and Anglo-American people. 
After reading this essay I was later informed about the difference between these two types of people. It explained who they were as a people and were they came from and about their early history and background. It was interesting to learn more about these people and to go more in depth about who they were and what they were like. I enjoyed this essay because I learned about the cultural differences about these people and I find culture an interesting subject. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Columbine Shooting

After reading the story about this columbine shooting I was shocked at how much violence was going on. It was a big eye opener to me. To answer the question "Should the columbine victims sue Jackson county"? In my opinion I would say no because before that point in time the officers on the scene did what they were trained to do on a case like this.
They did all they knew how to do at that moment and reflected on how they were trained for this sort of event, and just followed orders and training that they had received and how to go about this type of situation.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blog #4

Question #5 Has your perception of the homeless changed as a result of reading "Untouchables'?

Answer: I believe it hasn't changed much from what I already thought about the homeless. I feel for them still and sometimes want to help but a lot of the times when I do help it's a scam to just get money from me.

Question #4 Are any examples particularly moving?  Which ones? Why do they affect you the way they do?

Answer: I didn't find any of the examples moving to me. I just felt like it was another story to read.

Question #3 Paragraph 38 says that Kazol says we are afraid of homeless children. What are we afraid of?

Answer: To be honest I don't really know what we are afraid of. I don't find anything about homeless people frightening. I could see them being frightening because of how they look and how they dress, but to me they are just normal people trying to live life.

Question #2 To what extent are government officials and the general public part of the problem of homeless?

Answer: I don't really know to what extent they are involved I do believe they have to be involved some way or another about certain things pertaining to the homeless population.

Monday, January 19, 2015

#3 My Narrative Essay Will Be About...

#3 My Narrative Essay Will Be About...

     I really like this chapter on Narration. When it was explained to me from the book all my walls of fear kinda broke down because it explained it in a nice, soft, non threatening manner. It talks about how a narration is just a simple story from ones life of point of view. It gave helpful tips about being descriptive in your narration which will help your reader stay focused and engaged in your paper, also to help them feel like they are right there experiencing your story.

#2 Responding To Chapters 5&5

#2 Responding to chapters 4&5.

       These chapters talks about writing in academic settings, and has some good information. It talks about how sometimes we will write things based on the material we have learned in the classroom. I really like the section on "writing in response to reading" because I feel like I don't learn as much if I don't write down what I had just read, and it helps me remember the context much easier.

      I enjoyed the section on summarizing. I never thought that it would be an important tool to know how to do in my classes. I can see now that I have learned that summarizing is a useful tool to have because it teaches you how to locate the most important information in a piece of writing.

Monday, January 12, 2015